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🤿🚀 Act of Defiance by Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson

Not a Book Report

I enjoy reflecting on the movies, TV, books and other media that I consume. I’m notoriously sentimental. This series documents the books that I read. These aren’t reviews or recommendations. Just a list. For me. Mostly so that I can page through what I read, where I was, and when.

Why did I read it?

I am continuing with my quest to read nearly everything in the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan universe. This is the latest. And I am tired. I am not up for something more lofty. Just give me this.

What is it?

Category Value
Title Act of Defiance
Author Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson
Year Published 2024
Format Kindle
Pages 559

Publisher Summary

A rogue nuclear Russian submarine is steaming toward the East Coast of the United States. For President Jack Ryan, memories of past events may seem stunningly vivid, but the dangers are terrifyingly real in the latest entry in this #1 New York Times bestselling series.

US intelligence is reporting turmoil in the Russian navy. Their deadliest submarine, the Belgorod, has unexpectedly launched, and taken along with it a long list of questions. Who authorized the departure? What mission is it on? And, most disturbing of all, what weapons do the giant doors on the sub’s bow hide?

It’s been four decades since a similar incident with the Soviet sub, Red October, ended happily, thanks to a young CIA analyst named Jack Ryan.

Now, President Jack Ryan finds himself with fleets of ships, squadrons of jets, and teams of SEALs at his command, but what he doesn’t have is insight into the plans of the Belgorod’s commander. It falls to a younger generation of Ryans to do the dangerous work that will reveal that information.

But there’s always a price to be paid. When the final moments tick away, will Jack Ryan have to choose between the safety of his country and the safety of his child?

How did I read it?

Category Value
Date Started December 16, 2024
Date Finished January 9, 2025
Places Read Lisbon, Portugal & Utah, USA

Notes - No Spoilers

  • New author crew in this one - this time joint authors. One of them literally was a submarine officer and it shows (and I mean that in a good way).
  • That said, this is clearly just a rehash of Red October and they are not subtle about it. They reference it repeatedly. It is a central plot point.
  • They even quote the famous line from Red October with “danger, confronted properly, is not something a man must fear.”
  • Really dramatic shift of focus away from the Campus. Makes sense with the new author crew being former Navy, but this is the least time we get with Jack Ryan Jr. in a dozen or so novels (which I suppose is fair given he has his own full-blown series).